Utilities List
The following utilities are included in NirLauncher package. This list is automatically updated when a new NirLauncher package is released.
Utility Name | Version | Short Description |
AdvancedRun | 1.51 | Run a program with different settings that you choose. |
AllThreadsView | 1.00 | Displays a list of all running threads in Windows |
AlternateStreamView | 1.58 | Find all hidden alternate streams stored in the file system. |
AltStreamDump | Dumps the list of NTFS alternate streams | |
AppAudioConfig | 1.16 | View/change audio settings of applications |
AppCompatibilityView | 1.07 | List of all programs that run with different compatibility setting |
AppCrashView | 1.35 | Displays the details of all application crashes occurred in your system. |
AppNetworkCounter | 1.56 | Displays number of TCP/UDP bytes and packets sent/received by every application |
AppReadWriteCounter | 1.42 | Displays read/write operations of every application running on your system. |
AppResourcesUsageView | 1.06 | View application resources usage information of Windows 10/11 |
AdapterWatch | 1.05 | displays useful information about your network adapters. |
ActiveXHelper | 1.12 | view essential information about ActiveX components installed on your computer. |
BatteryHistoryView | 1.06 | Displays battery history information on Windows 11/10. |
BatteryInfoView | 1.26 | Displays battery information on laptops and netbooks. |
BlueScreenView | 1.55 | Show information about blue screen crashes occurred in your system. |
BluetoothCL | 1.07 | Show bluetooth devices list |
BluetoothLEView | 1.00 | Monitors the activity of Bluetooth Low Energy devices around you. |
BluetoothLogView | 1.12 | Creates a log of Bluetooth activity in your area. |
BluetoothView | 1.70 | Monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you. |
BrowserAddonsView | 1.30 | Displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. |
BrowserAutoFillView | 1.00 | View form autofill text stored by Chrome and Firefox Web browsers |
BrowserDownloadsView | 1.50 | Displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers |
BrowsingHistoryView | 2.59 | View browsing history of popular Web browsers |
BulkFileChanger | 1.73 | Change date/time/attributes of multiple files. |
BulletsPassView | 1.32 | Reveals the passwords stored behind the bullets. |
ChromeCacheView | 2.52 | Chrome Browser Cache Viewer |
ChromeCookiesView | 1.80 | Alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome |
ChromeHistoryView | 1.53 | View the browsing history of Chrome Web browser |
ChromePass | 1.58 | Password recovery tool for Google Chrome Web browser. |
Clipboardic | 1.19 | Small and simple clipboard manager. |
ControlMyMonitor | 1.38 | View and modify the settings of your monitor. |
CountryTraceRoute | 1.50 | Fast Traceroute utility with IP country information. |
CurrPorts | 2.77 | Displays the list of all currently opened TCP/UDP ports on your computer. |
CurrProcess | 1.13 | Displays the list of all processes currently running on your system. |
CredentialsFileView | 1.12 | Decrypts Credentials files of Windows. |
CredHistView | 1.01 | Decrypt the CREDHIST file of Windows |
CSVFileView | 2.64 | CSV/Tab-delimited file viewer and converter |
CustomizeIE | 1.01 | Add/delete toolbar buttons and menu items in Internet Explorer. |
CustomExplorerToolbar | 1.05 | Add Copy/Cut/Paste buttons to the Explorer toolbar of Windows 7. |
DataProtectionDecryptor | 1.15 | Decrypt DPAPI-encrypted data of Windows. |
DeviceIOView | 1.06 | Watch the data transfer between a software or service and a device driver. |
DevManView | 1.80 | Alternative to the standard Device Manager of Windows. |
Dialupass | 3.61 | Recovers Dial-Up passwords in all versions of Windows. |
DiskCountersView | 1.30 | Show disk drive read/write counters. |
DiskSmartView | 1.21 | Retrieves S.M.A.R.T information from IDE/SATA disks. |
DLL Export Viewer | 1.66 | Lists DLL exported functions and their memory addresses - for debugging. |
DNSDataView | 1.76 | Retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains. |
DNSLookupView | 1.15 | DNS Lookup Viewer for Windows 11/10 |
DNSQuerySniffer | 1.95 | Network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your system. |
DomainHostingView | 1.82 | Displays extensive information about a domain. |
DotNetResourcesExtract | | Extract embedded resources from .NET applications. |
DownTester | 1.30 | Test your Internet download speed. |
DriveLetterView | 1.50 | View and change drive letter assignments |
DriverView | 1.51 | Displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. |
DumpEDID | 1.07 | Dump EDID information into the console window. |
EdgeCookiesView | 1.17 | Display cookies from new versions of MS-Edge |
EncryptedRegView | 1.06 | Scans the Registry and decrypts the data encrypted with DPAPI. |
ESEDatabaseView | 1.77 | View the content of ESE database files (.edb files) |
EventLogChannelsView | 1.38 | View,Disable,Enable Event Log Channels. |
EventLogSourcesView | 1.00 | Displays the list of all event log sources installed on your system. |
ExecutedProgramsList | 1.11 | Displays programs and batch files that you previously executed on your system. |
ExifDataView | 1.15 | Displays the Exif data stored inside .jpg image files |
ExtPassword | 1.01 | External Drive Password Recovery |
FastResolver | 1.26 | Resolves multiple host names into IP addresses/MAC Addresses and vice versa. |
FavoritesView | 1.32 | displays the list of all your Favorties/bookmarks in a single page. |
FBCacheView | 1.24 | Shows Facebook images stored in the cache of your Web browser. |
FileAccessErrorView | 1.32 | Displays file access error information |
FileActivityWatch | 1.70 | Displays information about read/write/delete operations on your system. |
FileTypesMan | 2.00 | Alternative to the 'File Types' manager of Windows. |
FirefoxDownloadsView | 1.40 | Displayed the list of downloaded files in Firefox |
FirmwareTablesView | 1.02 | Displays a list of firmware tables (ACPI, SMBIOS) stored on your system. |
FlashCookiesView | 1.15 | View Flash cookies stored in your computer. |
FolderChangesView | 2.37 | Monitor folder/drive changes. |
FolderTimeUpdate | 1.72 | Updates the 'Modified Time' of folders. |
FreeSpaceLogView | 1.05 | View log of free disk space on Windows |
FullEventLogView | 1.80 | Event log viewer for Windows 10/8/7/Vista. |
GDIView | 1.26 | Displays the list of GDI handles opened by every process |
GetNir | 1.01 | Command line tool to extract values from tab-delimited and comma-delimited data |
GUIPropView | 1.31 | Displays extensive information about all windows currently opened on your system |
HandleCountersView | 1.19 | Shows handle counter for every process |
HashMyFiles | 2.50 | Calculate the MD5/SHA1 hashes of your files |
HeapMemView | 1.05 | View the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap. |
HostedNetworkStarter | 1.15 | Create a wifi hotspot with your wireless network adapter |
HotKeysList | 1.05 | Displays the list of hot keys that are currently registered on your system. |
HTMLAsText | 1.11 | Converts HTML documents to simple text files. |
HtmlDocEdit | 1.02 | Simple HTML designer/editor |
IconsExtract | 1.47 | Extract icons and cursors from executbale files (EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, etc.) |
IECacheView | 1.58 | List all files currently stored in the cache of Internet Explorer. |
IECookiesView | 1.79 | Displays the cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer |
IEHistoryView | 1.70 | Displays the list of Web sites that you visited with IE Web browser. |
IE PassView | 1.42 | Recover passwords stored by Internet Explorer (Versions 4.0 - 8.0) |
ImageCacheViewer | 1.34 | Displays images stored in the cache of your Web browsers. |
InsideClipboard | 1.27 | Displays the content of all formats stored in the clipboard. |
InstalledAppView | 1.09 | View installed Windows 10 apps |
InstalledCodec | 1.30 | List Codec drivers and DirectShow filters installed on your system. |
InstalledDriversList | 1.06 | Lists all device drivers that are currently installed on your system. |
InstalledPackagesView | 1.10 | Displays installed MSI packages on your system. |
IPInfoOffline | 1.70 | view country information about IP addresses. |
IPNeighborsView | 1.02 | View the IP neighbor table on Windows 10/8/7/Vista |
IPNetInfo | 1.90 | Easily find all available information about IP address. |
IPPathTableView | 1.00 | IP Path Table Viewer |
JumpListsView | 1.16 | Displays the information stored by the 'Jump Lists' feature of Windows 7. |
KeyboardStateView | 1.00 | Shows the current state and virtual key code of every key you press. |
LastActivityView | 1.37 | View the latest computer activity. |
LiveContactsView | 1.26 | View the details of all contacts in your Windows Live Messenger. |
LiveTcpUdpWatch | 1.55 | Displays live information about all TCP and UDP activity on your system. |
LoadedDllsView | 1.06 | Displays all DLL files loaded on your system. |
LSASecretsDump | 1.21 | Dump the LSA secrets from the Registry. |
LSASecretsView | 1.26 | displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer. |
MACAddressView | 1.50 | MAC address lookup tool |
MadPassExt | 1.00 | Extract the secret DPAPI password generated for your Microsoft account |
Mail PassView | 1.92 | Recovers email passwords |
ManageWirelessNetworks | 1.15 | Alternative tool to the standard 'Manage Wireless Networks' of Windows |
MMCSnapInsView | 1.00 | Displays the details of all MMC snap-ins installed on your system. |
MobileFileSearch | 1.49 | Search files inside a mobile device plugged to the USB port on your computer |
MonitorInfoView | 1.25 | displays essential information about your monitor. |
MZHistoryView | 1.70 | Displays the list of visited Web sites in Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers. |
MessenPass | 1.43 | Recovers the passwords of instant messenger programs |
MUICacheView | 1.01 | Edit/delete MUICache items in your system |
MultiMonitorTool | 2.15 | Enable,disable,and set the primary monitor in Multi-Monitor system. |
MetarWeather | 1.78 | Decode METAR weather reports, and display them in a simple weather report table. |
MyEventViewer | 2.25 | MyEventViewer is a simple alternative to the standard event viewer of Windows. |
MyLastSearch | 1.66 | View your latest searches with Google, Yahoo, and MSN |
MZCacheView | 2.22 | List all files currently stored in the cache of Firefox/Mozilla browser. |
MZCookiesView | 1.60 | alternative to the standard 'Cookie Manager' provided by Firefox and Mozilla. |
NetBScanner | 1.11 | Scans all computers in the IP addresses range you choose, using NetBIOS protocol |
NetConnectChoose | 1.10 | Set default Internet connection and view general connection information. |
Network Password Recovery | 1.57 | Recover network passwords on Windows XP/2003/Vista. |
NetResView | 1.27 | displays the list of all network resources on your LAN. |
NetRouteView | 1.40 | GUI alternative to the standard route utility of Windows. |
NetworkConnectLog | 1.17 | Shows a log of connected/disconnected computers on your network. |
NetworkCountersWatch | 1.05 | Displays system counters for every network interface on your system. |
NetworkInterfacesView | 1.35 | Displays the list of all network adapters/interfaces installed on your system. |
NetworkLatencyView | 1.76 | Calculates the network latency (in milliseconds) for every new TCP connection. |
NetworkOpenedFiles | 1.63 | Displays the files that are currently opened by other computers on your network. |
NetworkTrafficView | 2.50 | Displays network traffic statistics on your network adapter |
NetworkUsageView | 1.32 | Displays network usage information for Windows 8 and Windows 10 |
NirCmd | 2.87 | Do many useful tasks from command-line. |
NK2Edit | 3.46 | Full NK2 (AutoComplete) editor for Microsoft Outlook |
NTFSLinksView | 1.35 | View the list of NTFS symbolic links/junctions in selected folder. |
OfficeIns | 1.20 | displays the details of all installed Microsoft Office add-ins on your computer. |
OfflineRegistryFinder | 1.10 | Find data in external Registry files |
OfflineRegistryView | 1.03 | View offline Registry files |
OpenedFilesView | 1.91 | Displays the list of all opened files on your system. |
OpenSaveFilesView | 1.16 | Displays list of files that you previously opened. |
OpenWithView | 1.11 | Disable/enable items in the 'Open With' dialog-box of Windows. |
OperaCacheView | 1.40 | Cache viewer for Opera Web browser. |
OperaPassView | 1.10 | Password recovery tool for Opera Web browser. |
OutlookAccountsView | 1.02 | View POP3/IMAP/SMTP passwords and account settings of Outlook |
OutlookAddressBookView | 2.44 | Displays the details of all recipients stored in the address books of Outlook |
OutlookAttachView | 3.53 | Extract multiple attachments from Outlook. |
OutlookStatView | 2.30 | Display a general statistics of your Outlook emails. |
PasswordFox | 1.70 | View passwords stored in Firefox Web browser. |
Password Security Scanner | 1.61 | Displays security information about passwords stored in your system. |
PCAnywhere PassView | 1.12 | |
PingInfoView | 3.20 | ping multiple host names and IP addresses. |
PreviousFilesRecovery | 1.10 | find and recovery files from Windows shadow copies |
ProcessActivityView | 1.16 | Show the file activity for selected process. |
ProcessTCPSummary | 1.22 | Displays TCP connections summary |
ProcessThreadsView | 1.29 | Displays extensive information about all threads of the process that you choose. |
Product Key Scanner | 1.03 | Find product keys stored in the Registry of Windows Operating system |
ProduKey | 1.97 | Displays the CD-Keys of MS-Office/Windows installed on your computer. |
PropertySystemView | 1.21 | View/edit file properties |
PstPassword | 1.20 | Recover lost password of Outlook PST file. |
QuickSetDNS | 1.36 | Change the DNS servers that are used for your Internet connection. |
Remote Desktop PassView | 1.02 | Reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop utility. |
RecentFilesView | 1.33 | Display the list of recently opened files |
RegDllView | 1.60 | RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered files. |
RegFileExport | 1.10 | Export offline Registry file to .reg file |
RegFromApp | 1.33 | Creates .reg file according to Registry changes made by application. |
RegistryChangesView | 1.30 | Compares 2 snapshots of Windows Registry. |
RegScanner | 2.75 | Scan and find values in the Registry |
ResourcesExtract | 1.18 | Extract resources from dll/ocx/exe files. |
RouterPassView | 1.90 | Recover passwords from router config file. |
RTMPDumpHelper | 1.22 | Download RTMP streams in conjunction with RTMPDump toolkit. |
RunAsDate | 1.41 | Run a program with the specified date. |
RunFromProcess | 1.07 | Run a program from another process that you choose. |
RuntimeClassesView | 1.00 | Displays the list of Windows Runtime (WinRT) classes |
SafariCacheView | 1.11 | Cache viewer/extractor for Safari Web browser |
SafariHistoryView | 1.01 | History viewer for Safari Web browser |
SearchFilterView | 1.00 | view the search filters installed on your system. |
SearchMyFiles | 3.31 | Alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows. |
SecurityQuestionsView | 1.00 | View Windows 10 security questions |
SecuritySoftView | 1.00 | Displays the list of AntiVirus/AntiSpyware/ Firewall programs on your system. |
SeqDownload | 1.26 | Download sequence of images from the Web, and create animation from them. |
ServiWin | 1.72 | displays the list of installed drivers and services on your system. |
ShadowCopyView | 1.16 | View shadow copies on your system |
ShellBagsView | 1.35 | Displays the list of all folder settings saved by Windows. |
ShellMenuNew | 1.02 | Disable/Enable items in the New submenu of Explorer. |
ShellExView | 2.01 | Displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer. |
ShortcutsMan | 1.10 | Lists all shortcuts on your desktop/start menu. |
ShellMenuView | 1.41 | Disable/enable static menu items in context menu of Explorer. |
SimpleCodeGenerator | 1.16 | QR Code Generator for Windows |
SimpleProgramDebugger | 1.16 | Displays debugging events of a running program. |
SimpleWMIView | 1.55 | Displays the result of WMI queries in a simple table |
SiteShoter | 1.42 | Save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. |
SkypeContactsView | 1.05 | Displays the list of Skype contacts stored in the local database file of Skype. |
SkypeLogView | 1.55 | View log files created by Skype |
SmartSniff | 2.30 | Captures TCP/IP packets and view the captured data as sequence of conversations. |
SniffPass | 1.13 | capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter. |
SocketSniff | 1.11 | Watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process. |
SoundVolumeView | 2.46 | View/change sound levels & save/load sound level profiles on Windows Vista/7/8 |
SpecialFoldersView | 1.26 | Easily jump to special folders in your system. |
SoundVolumeCommandLine | 1.26 | Sound volume command-line tool for Windows |
SysExporter | 1.77 | Grab the data stored in list-views, tree-views, list boxes, and combo boxes. |
TableTextCompare | 1.20 | Compare tab-delimited or comma-delimited (csv) files. |
TaskSchedulerView | 1.74 | View/Disable/Enable tasks from the Task Scheduler of Windows. |
TCPConnectProblemView | 1.07 | Monitor TCP connection problems. |
TcpLogView | 1.41 | Monitors the opened TCP connections on your system. |
TimeZonesView | 1.06 | Displays all world time zones. |
TurnedOnTimesView | 1.46 | View the time/date ranges that your computer was turned on. |
UninstallView | 1.51 | Shows installed programs on your system and allows you to uninstall them. |
URLProtocolView | 1.15 | View/disable/enable the URL protocols installed on your system |
URLStringGrabber | 1.11 | Grab URL strings of Web sites from Internet Explorer |
USBDeview | 3.07 | Lists all installed USB devices that you previously used. |
USBDriveLog | 1.13 | USB Drive Log For Windows 10 |
USBLogView | 1.26 | Records the details of any USB device that is plugged/unplugged into your system |
UserAssistView | 1.02 | This utility decrypt and displays the list of all UserAssist entries |
UserProfilesView | 1.10 | View user profiles information on your system. |
VaultPasswordView | 1.12 | Decrypts passwords stored in Windows Vault |
VideoCacheView | 3.11 | Extract Web site video files from the cache of your Web browser |
VNCPassView | 1.05 | Recover the passwords stored by the VNC tool. |
Volumouse | 2.15 | Adjust the volume of your speaker with the wheel of your mouse. |
WakeMeOnLan | 1.92 | Turn on one or more computers remotely by sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet |
WebBrowserBookmarksView | 1.13 | View all bookmarks of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. |
WebBrowserPassView | 2.12 | Recover lost passwords from your Web browser. |
WebCacheImageInfo | 1.36 | Shows EXIF information of the images stored in Web browser cache. |
WebCamImageSave | 1.11 | Capture still images from your WebCam. |
WebCookiesSniffer | 1.30 | Captures Web site cookies and displays them in a simple table |
WebSiteSniffer | 1.51 | Capture Web site files and save them on your hard drive. |
WebVideoCap | 1.41 | Capture Flash Video files and RTSP streams while watching them in a Web browser. |
WhatInStartup | 1.35 | disable/enable/delete programs that are loaded at Windows startup. |
WhatIsHang | 1.27 | Get information about Windows software that hangs. |
WhoisCL | 1.85 | Get WHOIS information about a registered domain from command-line. |
WhoIsConnectedSniffer | 1.30 | Shows who connects to your network by listening to network packets. |
WhoisThisDomain | 2.46 | Get information about a registered domain from WHOIS server. |
WhosIP | 1.18 | find all available information about an IP address from command-line. |
WifiChannelMonitor | 1.70 | Captures wifi traffic in monitor mode and displays AP/clients information. |
WifiDiagnosticsView | 1.07 | Wifi diagnostics tool for Windows |
WifiHistoryView | 1.65 | Displays the history of connections to wireless networks on your computer. |
WifiInfoView | 2.96 | Displays extensive information about wireless networks in your area. |
WinCrashReport | 1.25 | Displays a report about crashed Windows application. |
WinDefLogView | 1.05 | Windows Defender Log Viewer |
WinDefThreatsView | 1.15 | View Windows Defender threats of local and remote computer |
WinFontsView | 1.10 | Display sample of all fonts installed on your system. |
WinLister | 1.22 | This utility displays the list of opened windows on your system. |
WinLogOnView | 1.41 | Displays logon/logoff times on Windows Vista/7/8/2008 |
WinMailPassRec | 1.01 | Password Recovery For Windows Mail App of Windows 10 and Windows 11 |
WinPrefetchView | 1.37 | View the Prefetch files (.pf) stored in your system. |
WinsockServicesView | 1.00 | View/Disable/Enable Winsock service providers installed on your system. |
Windows Updates History Viewer | 1.20 | Displays the history of Windows updates for your system. |
WirelessConnectionInfo | 1.20 | Displays general information and statistics about the active wifi connection. |
WirelessKeyView | 2.23 | recovers lost wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer. |
WirelessNetConsole | 1.00 | View wireless networks information (console application) |
WirelessNetView | 1.75 | Monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. |
Wireless Network Watcher | 2.42 | Shows who is connected to your wireless network. |
WinUpdatesList | 1.33 | Displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes). |